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Analysis of the future development direction of special purpose vehicle from the national two sessions

Recently, the annual two sessions of the National People's Congress began. No matter from the premier's government work report or from the proposals of CPPCC members and NPC deputies, the discussion on the development of the automobile industry has once again become the focus of attention. The reason why it has become the focus is that the automobile industry occupies a very important position in the national economic development and is a symbol of the strength of a big country, It is not only a sign of social progress, but also the people's pursuit and expectation of a better life. Next, I will briefly analyze the development direction and trend of special purpose vehicles in the future based on the government work report in 2019 and the relevant proposals of the NPC and CPPCC representatives on the automobile industry, hoping to inspire readers. In order to make it easier for readers to see the impact on special vehicles from one point directly and prevent them from jumping to find the answer, I use the way of drawing a dry bar to discuss it respectively. If it is wrong, I hope readers can criticize it more.

First, intelligent manufacturing will become an inevitable trend

Second, it is imperative to develop new energy vehicles

Third, merger and reorganization, joint venture and cooperation will become the norm

??? the reports and proposals of the two sessions are a wind vane and a manifestation of the will of the country. As a small branch of the automotive field, special purpose vehicles must not be despised. They must be moved by the wind, because there are few batch orders for special purpose vehicle enterprises, and many products belong to personalized customization. Without such a sensitive sense of smell, they will soon be eliminated in the red sea battle. It is hoped that in the future competition, the domestic special vehicle enterprises will focus on "specialization, refinement and specialty" and deeply cultivate a field, so as to refine and optimize their products and create a unique brand, which will not only become the domestic leader, but also become the international market leader.



Contact: Mr.Chen

Phone: 15192429999

Tel: 0530-6761234

Email: 972893152@qq.con

Add: Yangzhuangji Industrial Park, yuncheng county, Shandong Province, China

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